When they first asked if I wanted to host a family (I changed it to friendly ;)) breakfast at Roomin at 9 a.m. on a Sunday I thought they were kidding… But apparently I was the only laughing. You see, I’m not an early bird, not at all actually. I do appreciate a good sunrise but since I always go to bed kinda late my body refuses to return to planet earth in the morning, even after 10 wake up calls. And I wasn’t the only one being sarcastic about my morning behavior, even my friends were laughing about the fact that I would never get there on time (ok, I was half an hour late at my own bday party… I admit). But we came up with a plan (thank you Tamy) and surprisingly me, bags under my eyes included, were there right on time.


Roomin what?

Enough said about me… let’s talk about Roomin. First of all there’s the online part, a platform where interior and design lovers can find loads of inspiration and tips from insiders. While sliding through the moodboard on the homepage you’ll find all different kinds of interiors. If you’re inspired by one, just click on the picture and you get a little “behind-the-scenes” story and all the details on where to buy or how to create it yourself. It’s like a new and improved version of Pinterest specialized in deco.


The offline part

Than there’s the offline part, a fully furnished apartment in the centre of Antwerp (above St. Vincents). When entering it was like someone is actually living there! Two times a year an interior designer gets the chance to go crazy in the place, this edition (started on the 1st of April and ends on the 19th of June) Sofie Vertongen decorated the apartment. It became an interesting mix of cosy and clean with a lot of green, we all agreed unanimously that we wouldn’t mind living there so I guess she succeeded in style.


Bunny Side Up

After we got to discover all the rooms, food was served by Bunny Side Up. This was the healthiest breakfast I had in a little while and I got to taste the most delicious chia pudding ever. Getting out of bed was hard but it was very much worth it. Being with my friends and eating are a few of my favorite things, combine these elements with the Roomin experience, the morning sun and you get an ideal Sunday morning. Didn’t know I was ever going to say this but they can mail me again, even at 9 a.m. in the morning.


Thanks Sarah, Britt, Julie, Annick, Justine, Sara and Jens for joining this early bird, love you long time!

Thanks Lies, Stephanie and Nele for the invite

Delicious breakfast by Bunny Side Up

Pictures by Laura Heylen
